Horseback Riding
Through her membership in the Screen Actor's Guild JoAnn (SAG name Jodi) works in film and television as an actress, wrangler, and animal handler. Best credits: The Sixth Sense, Oprah Winfrey'sBeloved, 12 monkeys, Prince Among Slaves, VEEP and House of Cards.Ted holds a B.S. degree from the University of Delaware in Business Administration and Finance. He has an extensive farming background, including dairy, crops, livestock and fish farming. He is a member of the Maryland Farm Bureau and teaches equine classes at Cecil College. The Dawsons have two sons, Zach, an IT consultant, and Nick, a personal sales representative for the Discovery Channel. Book the Dawsons for your next agritourism or equine conference, workshop or seminar! Their PowerPoint presentation, "Thinking Outside the Boxstall - Top Ten Ways to Avoid Getting a Real Job," is entertaining as well as educational!
Our Farm
Horseback Riding Lessons
We offer horseback riding lesssons for adults and children. Lessons can be private, semi-private or group riding lessons for beginner, intermediate and advanced riders. We have a diverse collection of dependable horses for every riding level! Classes are organized by riding level and age.